Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
This page will be updated with supply lists, dress code, bus transportation, and more!
We have high expectations for all scholars at Winburn Middle. To provide access to the FCPS Code of Conduct, please choose your preferred language from the list below. The PDF resource is searchable, and tapping within the Table of Contents will take you straight to a specific page.
For assistance with student and home resources, please contact our Youth Service Center coordinator, Mrs. Adrean Woolfolk, or call (859) 381-3967 ext. 44050.
Contact your child's counselor.
View our Staff Directory. Teachers and Administrators are best reached by email.
Winburn offers a variety of opportunities for families to participate in their child's learning through athletics, classes, clubs, and even our PTSA! Anyone interested in volunteering must register with FCPS and clear a criminal background check.
See a list of sports at Winburn. This page will be updated year-round to show tryouts, upcoming dates, and contact information Coaches.
To update emails and phone numbers, please contact our registrar, Erica Montanez, or call (859) 422-6937.
To update your home address, please provide us with an updated lease or rental agreement. If you need any assistance or have any questions, please contact our registrar, Erica Montanez.
All parents & guardians can use the Infinite Campus app or website to check student assignments, grades, attendance and more! Click the link below to get started:
Families can use the link below to review student behavior in individual classes!
Employability Operating System (eOS)