Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
Nominations are open for two parent representatives to serve on the 2023-34 SBDM Council where they will be a vital part of school decision making and developing school policy. Serving on the SBDM Council is a great way to play an active role in your school.
The Winburn PTSA is also seeking representatives to serve in the following capacities:
Vice President
The school PTSA is responsible for creating initiatives that benefit all students at Winburn. Recently, the PTSA organized Winburn's school dance, helped with school beautification initiatives, advocated for community safety, and collected donations to provide all students with a healthy snack during the upcoming state testing period.
Nominations for both SBDM Parent Representatives & PTSA Officers will be held until May 4th . Elections will be held between May 6th - 10th . To submit your nomination, please contact Winburn's Community Liaison, Mr. Gonzalez -